Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association
Volume 0 Issue 1, August 16 – 19, 1961
The subject matter of this publication consists of some of the addresses and summaries of other addresses that were delivered at the inaugural conference of the Mathematics Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association, held August 16 – 19, 1961 at the University of Alberta in Edmonton and attended by a representation of mathematics teachers at all grade levels from various parts of the province,
An effort was made to include the addresses in their entirety wherever possible. The editor wishes to express his gratitude to those speakers who did not have their addresses in written form, but upon request took the time and trouble to submit summaries of the ideas they presented at the conference so that these could appear here.
The intention of this volume is to circulate more widely the ideas discussed at the conference. It is the hope of the executive committee that a volume such as this will become a yearly project, Newsletters published four times a year – January, April, June, and October – will keep the members of the council abreast of the latest developments.
John M. Cherniwchan
1 – 4
Editor John M. Cherniwchan
5 – 10
Julius H. Hlavaty
11 – 14
Curriculum Changes in Elementary Mathematics
Neil M. Purvis
Adequate Preparation in Mathematics for Students Entering University
R. C. Jacka
16 – 18
Teacher Preparation in Mathematics
W. F. Coulson
19 – 28
Changes in High School Mathematics
L. W. Kunelius
29 – 44
The Impact of Modern Mathematics on the Developing Program in High School Mathematics
S . A. Lindstedt
45 – 47
Dr. J. Hlavaty