Delta-K,  From Your Council,  Volume 1, Issue 2


Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 1 Issue 2, April 1962



Editor J. M. Cherniwchan

Donald in Mathmagic Land, T-1397, (30 minutes) A general interest film showing many applications of mathematics.

Today’s Need in Arithmetic, (14 minutes) An extremely well-prepared film but highly commercialized – gives a reasonably good general introduction to the Seeing Through Arithmetic series.

The following five films were prepared by Scott, Foresman and made available to the Audio-Visual Aids Branch by W. J. Gage Ltd. The production standard in these films is rather poor. The main personality in the films, Mr. George Russell, was asked to speak on the Seeing Through Arithmetic series at a teachers’ institute in New Mexico. On his arrival he discovered that arrangements had been made to record all his talks on film. Mr. Russell was not prepared for this kind of an assignment and, as a result, the finished product is not the best from a technical point of view. It is true, however, that the content of Mr. Russell’s talks will prove very valuable to teachers in in-service programs.

Basic Mathematics Ideas, T-1449, (29 minutes)
Computation, T-1450, (27 minutes)
Division, T-1451, (29 minutes)
Problem Solving, Part 1, Equations of Numbers (29 minutes)
Problem Solving, Part 2, Equations of Ratios (27 minutes)