Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 10, Issue 4

Delta-K Volume 10 Issue 4

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 10 Issue 4, July 1971

Here is one answer to the oft-heard question, “What is Math Council doing?”:

At the regular meeting of the MCATA Executive on February 27, 1971, a decision was made to submit the following recommendations to the Executive Council of the ATA:

(a) That the High School and University Matriculation Examinations Board be requested to provide for Mathematics 31 an “open book” examination of the kind provided for the 30 level science examinations.

(b) That the committee on Articulation of Hi gh School and University Programs be requested to seek acceptance by the University of Calgary of Mathematics 33 in lieu of Math 30 as an entrance requirement to the Faculty of Arts and Science for students entering a nonmathematics science area of study.

Each recommendation was accompanied by a supporting statement which
elaborated on the recommendation, and the reasons for which that recommendation on was being made.

Thanks to L. R. Adler of Fort Macleod and G. Hanson of Edmonton for their letters. Mr. Hanson answered the questions raised in the last issue of Delta-K about the “numbers” i^-i and i^i: both a re real, and i^-i > i^i. (The Editor will mail a copy of Mr. Hanson’s proofs to any reader requesting them.)

* If you have not already done so, you should request a copy of An Active Learning Unit on Real Numbers by Dale N. Fisher: FREE to members, $1 to non-members.

Murray R. Falk

1 – 2

“New Math” Sparks Lively Debate

Saskatchewan Bulletin

3 – 4

What is CAMT?

H. J. Promhouse


From the Editor’s Desk

Murray R. Falk

6 – 10

Contemporary Mathematics and its Mathematicians

Dr. W. J. Bruce (ed.)

11 – 12

Success Stories

Eugene Katerenchuk & T. F. Rieger

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