Delta-K,  From Your Council,  Volume 11, Issue 1

MCATA President 1971-72 Dick Daly

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 11 Issue 1, November 1971


MCATA President 1971-72 Dick Daly

Editor Murray R. Falk

Richard Daly (B.Ed. 1966, M.Ed. 1971, University of Alberta), the MCATA President for 1971-72, is a very experienced and involved teacher – he has taught math and science to Grades VII, VIII and IX in Lamont and in the following Edmonton schools: D. S. McKenzie (2 years), Allendale (1 year) and McDougall (2 years) . He is now teaching at Capilano Elementary.

What time is it?

To the second, at what times are the second hand, minute hand and hour hand of a watch over top of each other? We all know that this happens at 12 noon and 12 midnight. When else? A guess might be five minutes and five seconds after one o’clock. But this would be incorrect since at five seconds after the minute, the minute hand would have moved another 1/720 of the way around and the hour hand would have moved another 1/43200 of the way around. At what times are the hands above each other? Send the editor your reasoning and your answers (or the answers of your students).