Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 11, Issue 2

Delta-K Volume 11 Issue 2

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 11 Issue 2, February 1972

* Several .letters have been received from readers concerning the properties of i^1 and i^-1 raised in an issue last year. We are pleased to print the most interesting article in this issue on page 15.

* Here’s a puzzle for that student in your class who is always the first to
finish his work:

Using the digits 1, 9, 7, 2 and the signs of standard mathematical
operations, represent the integers from l to 25 (or some higher limit)
without gaps. 

* A reader sent this little poem (source unknown). If it reflects your feelings,
may we hear from you?


I took a course in curriculum
And thought it rather queer
That I am now a ‘resource’
To the pupils sitting near.

I must not lecture nor talk too much
But let the pupils do
And then I shall be fostering
Creativity through and through.

The school was built with kids in mind
The course around them planned
And I exist to jump about
At their whim and command.

Into groups I’ll break them
With ideas for their mind,
And should they find it boring
I must try some other kind.

And should the classroom noise level
Disturb the Richter Scale
I know that they are learning
For in noise learning prevails.

No rows of desks will I permit
No lining at the door
For this is passe don’t you know?
Thank God they’ve left the floor.

But what am I to teach, you ask.
Don’t look at me confused
I have a teachers’ plan book
And I’m told it must be used.

Now to reconcile these concepts
With a curriculum in print
Is like making papier mache
Out of solid rock cement.

But I’ll try in my endeavors
Though my ways must all be changed
And then in my retirement
I might see just what was gained.

* For the stars in your class – assemble these five pieces to form a five pointed star.

Murray R. Falk

1 – 5

Educational Performance Contracting

Bruce Pearson

6 – 7

From the Editor’s Desk

Murray R. Falk

8 – 9

What’s It All About?

George L. Henderson

10 – 12

Two Preference Paradoxes

Zalan Usiskin


Math Seminar

Dr. Blummel and Wilf Lenucha


A Working Bulletin Board

Mrs. Bonnie Trudeau

15 – 17

And Then the Imaginary Becomes Real

Guy W. Richard


Back Matter

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