Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 13, Issue 2

Delta-K Volume 13 Issue 2

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 13 Issue 2, February 1974


I have now prepared two issues of Delta-Kand have not had an opportunity to obtain reactions on either at this time. I am most anxious to know what is superfluous, what is missing and what is valuable. I have presented some questions; I have challenged you for response to articles; I have requested your contributions. I am unable to make personal contact with many of you for obvious reasons of time and distance. But contributions and constructive criticisms will help make Delta-K and MCATA more valuable sources of suggestions to improve the role of mathematics in the lifelong education of everyone directly and indirectly reached through our mathematics teachers. Together, we can grow professionally and improve both our intellectual and social environments more effectively than any of us can singly.

Delta-K makes MCATA members aware of happenings and the philosophy of mathematicians and mathematics teachers collectively. For MCATA members, it can be a source of expression of individual practices and philosophy. You can be heard by all of us if you contribute practical and/or philosophical manuscripts and/or letters to the editor in reaction to published material or as original ideas. I promise to present your position without comment and/or endorsement along with the reactions of all who prepare logical defensible differences, except where a repetition of arguments may occur in several consecutive issues, necessitating a temporary closing of one topic in favor of fresh topics.

Ed Carriger



Ed Carriger

2 – 3


Editor Ed Carriger

3 – 8

Mathematics Canada

The Mathematics Study c/o Science Council of Canada

8 – 9

Is new ‘New Math’ next?


9 – 15

Inching our way toward the metric system

The Mathematics Teacher


A graphic experience

Robert G. Stein

16 – 18

Book Reviews

Editor Ed Carriger


Back Matter

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