Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 13, Issue 3

Delta-K Volume 13 Issue 3

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 13 Issue 3, May 1974


In the last issue of Delta-K (Vol. XIII; N9. 2), we failed tn give credit to Dr. Gerardus Vervoort, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario for 11 Inching Our-Way Through the Metric System”. Please correct this oversight in your copy and also note that this article is copywrited by Dr. Vervoort. Our apologies have been extended to Dr. Vervoort and are hereby made publicly.

Math Kits – Metrication Materials

Three math kits are now in circulation and everyone who contacted Stu McCormick requesting a kit has had a reply. The response has been so great that some of us will not have our request filled until next school year. However, we are now preparing a new set of kits, consisting of only metric materials. They will be ready for distribution in the fall. Stu will be contacting us as soon as he and his committee are ready to start delivery. Ideas and materials you have that we can use should be sent to Stu as soon as possible.

Ed Carriger


Front Matter

Ed Carriger

2 – 3



4 – 5

More to it than You Think

Marion Loring

6 – 7

Distributor Cap Mathematics

William J. Bruce

8 – 9

Solving Simple Equations

Howard L. Larson

10 – 11

Yes Senior High Mathematics Can Use the Library

Jake Woloshchuk

12 – 19

Mathematical Competencies and Skills Essential for Enlightened Citizens

E. L. Edwards, Jr., Eugene V. Nichols, and Glyn H. Sharpe


Back Matter

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