Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 14, Issue 2

Delta-K Volume 14 Issue 2

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 14 Issue 2, November 1974

The 1974 annual meeting of MCATA was held in Jasper, October 25-26. The planned program was very interesting. We are unable to comment on the unscheduled impromptu portions since they did not meet publication deadlines, but a report will appear in the January Delta-K. The deadline for contributions is January 3. We invite your comments, contributions and/or suggestions for activities that MCATA could use as a service to all.

Our metric missionary workshops are being received with enthusiasm. They are intended to compliment the area meetings of Dr. Lindstedt by preparing teachers with advance information, or as a follow-up to provide further aid, in areas where Dr. Lindstedt precedes our group. We had planned to terminate the program at the end of November – except for conventions and institutes – however, I am sure I can speak for all of us involved when I say that additional meetings could be scheduled, at later dates, where the service is requested.

Do you have a math club? If so, how did you organize it? Or, do you want
assistance in forming a math club? We are interested in assisting new clubs and would therefore appreciate having this information. Although it is of interest primarily to secondary school groups, consideration of such a club in elementary schools might be feasible.

A new service to appear in Delta-K as soon as the questions start corning in,
will be “The Question Box.” Do you have a specific question? The editor will answer all queries in “The Question Box.”

Ed Carriger

1 – 2


Ed Carriger

3 – 15

A Guide For Evaluating School Mathematics Programs and Textbooks

Irvin K. Burbank

16 – 20

The “Inner Stars,” “-Pictures” and “-Games,” A Contribution to Reform in Mathematics and Art Teaching – Part 1

Reinhard Lehnert

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