Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 16, Issue 1

Delta-K Volume 16 Issue 1

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 16 Issue 1, September 1976

Annual Conference

This year our annual conference will be held in Red Deer. There is an article in this issue of Delta-K by one of the guest speakers, Frank Ebos (see p.5 ). Pass this issue along to your colleagues, show them your latest monograph, and encourage them to come to Red Deer with you.

We Want Your ldeas!

We are interested in areas of mathematics and topics you want emphasized.
Therefore, we enclose a questionnaire, which we ask you to complete and return to the Editor. This will help us in selecting articles, workshops and other activities on the use of calculators. Your cooperation in completing the questionnaire will not only aid us in planning, but will show us the need for pursuing this theme as part of our service to MCATA members. Without your assistance in our attempt to make this a more successful year, we will be directed by the feedback from others whose area of interest may not be yours. We are interested in you:1′ ideas. Write us a letter — or an article. First consideration for space in our publications goes to Alberta authors. Second consideration is given to articles of news value. Third consideration goes to other material which is useful and timeless. An article may be published in a particular issue of Delta-K because that issue is devoted to a definite theme, for example the emphasis on high school contests in the May issue (newsworthy and dated item). Therefore a delay in publishing an article should not be interpreted as a rejection. It may simply mean that the Editor is using his discretion in selecting appropriate material for a particular. issue. Also, changes for the purpose of good space usage without change of theme is occasionally made when necessary.

We welcome all contributions and constructive criticism that will improve Delta-K. Send all correspondence directly to the Editor.

Ed Carriger

1 – 2

From the Editor

Ed Carriger

3 – 4

Some Ideas on Teaching a Career Mathematics Course

R. J. Mickelson

5 – 10

A Maze for Mathematics

Frank Ebos


Council Adopts Position Statements


12 – 13

Basics in Junior High

Bernie Biedron

14 – 15

This Skill of Writing Mathematically!

Darlene Kidd

16 – 17

Calculators Are Here to Stay

Gilbert Raineault

18 – 21

Who Gives a Gram About Scruples?

Dr. Forrest L. Coltharp


Back Matter



Editor Ed Carriger

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