Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 17, Issue 4

Delta-K Volume 17 Issue 4

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 17 Issue 4, May 1978

Our new CAG representative is Mr. Bob Robinson, 57 Skyline Drive, Dundas, Ontario L9H 3S3. Bob was a contributor to our February 1978 issue of Delta-K by way of introduction. Thank you Joan Routledge for the service you have given for the past three years. We look forward to having you return to Alberta as a guest speaker and/or as a guest participant in the audience in coming years. We are looking forward to having three good years with Mr. Robinson as we know him to be an able leader.

We are looking forward, as well, to our next mini-conference. Our Calgary team is going to Lethbridge ( may have already gone by this time), and a full report will be forthcoming in Vol. XVIII, No. l, September 1978.

The 1978 ARA referred this resolution for study and report at the 1979 Annual Representative Assembly. Members of the Mathematics Council, ATA, are asked to react to the motion by early fall.

129L/78 (Directive for Action):

BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Teachers’ Association request the Department of Education to allow the use of calculators in all physics, chemistry and mathematics examinations issued by the Department of Education.

Please send your reactions to the editor or to Dr. M. Jarnpolsky, Assistant Executive Secretary, The Alberta Teachers 1 Association, 11010 – 142 Street, Edmonton T5N 2R1.

Ed Carriger

1 – 2

Front Matter


The Editor’s Page

Ed Carriger

4 – 10

Estimating Roots of Quadratic Equations by Templet and Grid

William J. Bruce

11 – 24

1978 Alberta High School Prize Examination Results

Department of Mathematics, University of Alberta

25 – 33

An Advisory Exam in Mathematics for Students at the University of Alberta

Bruce Allison


Graph of the Month

Harold Marenus

35 – 36

Ideas for the Primary Class

The Manitoba Mathematics Teacher

37 – 39

Ideas for the Intermediate Class

The Manitoba Mathematics Teacher

40 – 42

A Teacher’s Opinion

The Manitoba Mathematics Teacher

43 – 46

Ideas for the Junior High Class

The Manitoba Mathematics Teacher

47 – 48

Ideas for the Senior High Class

Cecil Grant


Back Matter

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