Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 18, Issue 4

Delta-K Volume 18 Issue 4

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 18 Issue 4, May 1979

Your editor, NCTM representative, and NCTM “name of site” chairman were all able to attend the annual NCTM meeting. Resolutions passed at the business session that affect MCATA and other Alberta math teachers expressed the following:

  • a need for improvement in the ability to teach reading math and/or improvement in the ability of students to read math properly;
  • a need for proper facilities for students with special needs, both handicapped and exceptionally gifted;
  • a need for better public awareness of the importance of mathematics in modern society and its future;
  • a need for the use of multi-year membership dues;
  • a need for the use of particular articles from the Arithmetic Teacher and the Mathematics Teacher in the classroom, including duplicating thereof without special permission;
  • a need for increased publication of material for special education needs; and
  • a need for a position on the use of microcomputers.

The publications personnel already accept the policy of using the material in the classroom, including duplicating, so long as only pertinent articles are used and no charge to students is involved.

Almost all of the programs that followed the business session focused on reading in math and/or special needs in a very real way and provided some concrete assistance toward attaining the goals for improvement in teaching in these areas.

Another activity of our group included making contacts to enlarge our Calgary “name-of-site” meeting, October 11-13, 1979. We now have a program that includes one or more activities for every grade level for every session, with local and international speakers in abundance. Programs will be sent to each MCATA and/or NCTM member soon for your early perusal and planning. Whatever needs you may have or may anticipate will be given exposure at this meeting, so you know you will return home with more knowledge, ideas, and inspiration for having participated. Further, there will be NCTM representatives at this meeting who will be ready to discuss your concerns about the above resolutions, about publications, or about other issues.

Ed Carriger

1 – 2

Front Matter


From the Editor’s Desk

Ed Carriger

4 – 8

What’s in a Cryptarithm

William J. Bruce

9 – 11


T. E. Kieren

12 – 17


T. E. Kieren

18 – 31

1979 Alberta High School Prize Examination Results

Department of Mathematics, University o f Alberta

32 – 36

Activities from Mathematics Teacher

Raymond E . Spaulding

37 – 43


George W. Bright


Calculators in the Classroom



Back Matter

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