Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 19, Issue 1

Delta-K Volume 19 Issue 1

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 19 Issue 1, September 1979

Our sincere thanks to Bob Holt for his years of service as president of the Mathematics Council. It is comforting to know that he is continuing as an executive member of the Council.

Our new president is Lyle Pagnucco, a former executive officer and this year’s chairman for the “Name-of-Site” MCATA/NCTM joint conference in October. The other table officers were given a vote of confidence and were returned to office: Secretary Art Jorgensen and Treasurer Don Hinde.

We are again looking for new workers to serve as Council directors and to become our future leaders as some of our present members reach the plateau of a well-deserved rest.

Remember our “Name-of-Site” meeting (see cover). This is one of the best ways to avail ourselves of the services offered by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Make this your year to expand your horizon with an NCTM membership and its many benefits for your professional portfolio. We will have an NCTM booth at the meeting. Best wishes for 1979-80.

Ed Carriger

1 – 2

Front Matter


From the Editor’s Desk

Ed Carriger

4 – 6

Instructional Problems and Teaching Strategies

Joanne Newman and Ved Madan

7 – 9


T. E. Kieren

10 – 12


T. E. Kieren

13 – 19

Remedial Program in Mathematics

J. G. Timourian

20- 24

Discovery with Number Triangles

Hugh Ouellette

25 – 29


Prepared by Malcolm Price and Joan Duea

30 – 32


The Math Post


Back Matter

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