Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 19, Issue 3

Delta-K Volume 19 Issue 3

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 19 Issue 3, March 1980

Among the materials for classroom use included in the past three issues of delta-k, you will have found sections entitled “Activities” for secondary schools and “Ideas” for elementary students. These were used for two reasons: one, to assist you; and two, to point out one of the services available if you join the NCTM and subscribe to the appropriate magazines) for your areas) of interest. For further information, contact Klaus Puhlmann, MCATA/NCTM representative, or any other executive member of MCATA.

You may have noticed we are emphasizing the NCTM Annual Meeting this year. Remember the success we had in Calgary? It was possible through our support of NCTM and their interest in us as a member group. To maintin this we must have interested individuals as members and supporters of NCTM. This year the Annual Meeting is close to home – in Seattle – which gives us an opportunity to show our support and learn what NCTM really means to us and how we can all benefit. Now can you see why “NCTM Seattle” is being promoted?

With this issue we are introducing a new section called the “Problem Corner.” Its pages are open to all to express themselves, and its size will depend upon the number of articles contributed. We would challenge people in the elementary area to contribute items suitable for elementary teachers and their students. We encourage university personnel to contribute articles as has been done in this issue. Original ideas from the classroom would be welcome.

Is it worthwhile including, guest editorials or position statements such as the articles on pages 3, 6, and 11 of the November 1979 issue of delta-k? I have had no feedback concerning these ideas. Does this mean agreement, indifference, or disagreement? How about expressing your support or opposition? In a “Letters to the Editor” column your editor will present your bias, no matter how diametrically opposed to his own. You have received material in the past which definitely was not in agreement with the opinions of either MCATA or the ATA, and we will continue to leave the expression of controversial ideas open. We will even withhold the name of the author where desired. However, this is you  delta-k only insofar as you make it – and we have need for more interest or it is soon going to be only your editor’s publication.

Ed Carriger


Front Matter





From the Editor’s Desk

Ed Carriger

4 – 10

An Instructive Algorithm Involving a Number Theoretic Problem

William J. Bruce

11 – 12

The Four What’s of Mathematics

V. P. Madan

13 – 17


Emil Dukovac

18 – 19

Arithmetic and Fingers

from Minnesota Council Teachers of Mathematics Newsletter



William J. Bruce and Roy Sinclair

21 – 23

News Items from…


24 – 25

PLUS +++

from Issue No. 3



from the Arithmetic Teacher

27 – 28

4th International Congress on Mathematical Education

International Congress on Mathematical Education

29 – 30

Monograph Review

K. Allen Neufeld, editor


Algebra through Applications with Probability and Statistics

Developed by Zalman Usiskin


Accent on Applications

Edited by Sidney Sharron

33 – 34

Trends in the Mathematics Curriculum

Marlow Ediger

35 – 36

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Information






Back Matter

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