Full Issue,  Publications,  The Canadian Mathematics Teacher,  Volume 1

The Canadian Mathematics Teacher – Volume 1

The Canadian Mathematics Teacher – Volume 1

Winter 1982

Publication of the Mathematics Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association

From the Editors

This publication is a co-operative venture of the associations of mathematics teachers in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, and Saskatchewan. It is an experiment. The contributing editors believe that there may be a place for a national mathematics education journal in Canada, but you, the readers, are the ones who should let us know. The editors are of the opinion that there may be issues in mathematics instruction that are particular to Canada as a whole and that should be discussed in a journal of this type. We would like to hear your views. Please write me, Les Dukowski, at the address below. If the general consensus of the readership is that this publication is worth while, then the provincial associations will consider continuing to jointly publish a journal one or more times a year and have it perhaps replace one issue of the journals currently published by each association.

As this is a co-operative effort. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the contributing editors who submitted articles for publication. They are:
George Cathcart, The Alberta Teachers’ Association Mathematics Council
Dale Drost, The Mathematics Council of the Newfoundland Teachers’ Association Don Kapoor, The Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society and Alan Wells, The Manitoba Association of Mathematics Teachers.

If you have prepared an article that you would like to have considered for publication in a future issue of this journal, please submit it to the editor of your provincial association. All articles dealing with issues in mathematics education, teaching ideas, and topics of general mathematical interest are welcome.

See you in Toronto for the 1982 NCTM Annual General Meeting!

Les Dukowski


Inside This Issue


From the Editors

Les Dukowski

3 – 8

Individualizing Instruction Through Multilevel Performance Problem-Solving Activities

Jim Vance

9 – 10

Teach Nothing About Geometry

Alton T. Olson

11 – 12

In the Red – An Integers Game for Junior Secondary

Reynold Redekopp

13 – 15

The Tuesday Problems

John Barsby and Don Johnson

16 – 18

Sines, Cosines and Ferris Wheels

Anne Anderson

19 – 20

Finding Irrational Roots of Polynomials

Donald E. Rideout

21 – 23

Probability and Statistics Corner

Jim Swift

24 – 29

Teaching Problem-Solving

Dr. Don Kapoor


Back Matter

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