Publications,  Report,  The Preparation and Continuing Education of Mathematics Teachers in Alberta

The Preparation and Continuing Education of Mathematics Teachers in Alberta

The Preparation and Continuing Education of Mathematics Teachers in Alberta

Winter 1982

Publication of the Mathematics Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association

Prepared for The Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

by Thomas L. Schroeder and M. Louise Frame

Final Report: September, 1986; Second Printing: December, 1986


Members of the general public always seem to have questions about the quality of the education that is being provided to their young people. For example

Does the educational system set high standards? Does the curriculum meet the needs of all students and the expectations of society at large?

Is there a shortage of qualified teachers? Are the present teachers competent to teach the subjects and grades to which they are assigned? Do teachers keep up-to-date through continuing education?

Are the textbooks of high quality?. Are they relevant to the ·curriculum and the needs.of the students? Are other instructional materials and equipment such as computers available in the schools?

Are teachers adequately supported with professional books and journals? with referral services? with opportunities for professional development?

In recent years questions such as these have been prominent in the mass
media, but the answers that have been offered have sometimes not indicated a high degree of confidence and satisfaction. Like many other professional organizations, the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers Association (MCATA) is concerned about these issues, especially as they relate to mathematics teaching in Alberta. In order to make an informed and positive contribution to the continuing discussion, MCATA commissioned this study, titled “The Preparation and Continuing Education of Mathematics Teachers in Alberta: A Status Survey and Needs Assessment.”

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