Newsletter,  Volume 1, Number 2

Mathematics Council Newsletter


John Percevault

Results of the MCATA Questionnaire

At the Annual Meeting in Edmonton participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding MCATA services. Forty questionnaires were returned. The results follow:

1. Most teachers were high school teachers (24) or junior high
school teachers (15)

2. Most teachers were from Edmonton or area but large numbers were from other areas across the province

3. Most teachers had several (6 or more) courses in mathematics
or mathematics education

4. Either the respondents were attending their first convention (11) or had attended 5 or more (15)

5. Most felt they would like to see the site moved to different locations but not away from Calgary, Red Deer or Edmonton

6. Topics wanted at conventions tended to center around high school mathematics and computers

7. Most respondents felt the Delta-K and the monograph were worth­while

8. The idea of a newsletter was also well received.

Your executive expresses its appreciation to those who completed the questionnaire.

Results of the MCATA Questionnaire

What’s New?

MCATA – Delta-K Editor

Membership Fees, Services

MCATA Executive Meeting

Alberta Education

Pilot Programs

Audiovisual Materials

For Your Calendar

Problem Corner

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