Full Issue,  Publications,  The Canadian Mathematics Teacher,  Volume 2

The Canadian Mathematics Teacher – Volume 2

The Canadian Mathematics Teacher – Volume 2


Publication of the Mathematics Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association

From the Editors

Volume 2 of The Canadian Mathematics Teacher is a co-operative venture of the associations of mathematics teachers in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Saskatchewan. That the number of provincial associations contributing to the journal has increased over last year is encouraging. We hope that before too long, all of the provinces will be represented.

You will find in this issue articles dealing with assessment of mathematics programs, problem-solving, applications, and classroom activities. If you have an article you would like to publish in this journal, submit it to the editor of your provincial math teachers’ journal. That person is the one who chooses the article from your province for publication. The Canadian Mathematics Teacher also welcomes letters. Please send them to me at the address below.

Since this journal is a co-operative effort, I thank the following contributing editors:

Dale Drost
The Mathematics Council of the Newfoundland Mathematics Teachers’ Association

Gary Hill
The Alberta Teachers’ Association Mathematics Council

Don Kapoor
The Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society

Judy MacKnight
The New Brunswick Teachers’ Association Mathematics Council

Alan Wells
The Manitoba Association of Mathematics Teachers

The editors of The Canadian Mathematics Teacher hope that you find this issue interesting and thought-provoking.

Les Dukowski


Front Matter


From the Editors

Les Dukowski

3 – 8

Preliminary Results from the Second International Mathematics Study in British Columbia

David F. Robitaille


Can Manitoba Students Add? A Note on the Manitoba Mathematics Assessment Program

Alan Wells

10 – 12

Cueing into Word Problems

Walter Ryan

12 – 16

“Face” Values

Barry Witkze

17 – 21

Applications of Mathematics – Some Aspects

Don Kapoor

22 – 24

Strategies of Problem-Solving

Bruce Stonell

24 – 25

The Broken-Stick Problem for Four Pieces – A Geometric Solution

Diane Johnson

25 – 28

A Mathematical Valentine

Joanne Harris


Back Matter

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