Newsletter,  Volume 3, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter


The 24th Annual MCATA Conference is now history. My own assessment of the conference has to be one of general satisfaction. There were over SO ses­sions presented, covering all levels of mathemat­ics education from kindergarten to grade twelve. I personally sat in on a number of very good ses­sions which provided food for thought and practi­cal ideas for the classroom.

Unfortunately, the weatherman was most uncooperative, and this definitely had a negative effect on attendance. A large number of people, from the deep south in particular, were not prepared to risk the hazards of blowing snow and slippery roads to attend. For this, they cannot be blamed.

The 1985 Conference is to be held in Lethbridge during the period October 24 through 26, 1985. Please note the change to a full two-day conference rather than a one-day conference. If you have ideas for sessions or speakers, please send them to Hank Boer, 105 Chippewa Crescent, Lethbridge TlK SD4. He can be reached by telephone at 327-1454 (residence) or 327-4521 (business).

In closing, a special thank-you goes to Dick Pawloff and his committee for all the effort they put into organizing the Red Deer Conference.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

MCATA Bids Farewell

“Rifleman” Chuck Connors

Refunds Available

MCATA Fees to Go Up

What’s New?

1985 Arithmetic Teacher

Mini-Conference a Success

Attitudes Toward Mathematics

Marilyn N. Suydam

Best Problem Corner

The Faces of Calculus


President’s Report

Ron Cammaert

Annual Business Meeting

Proposed Budget for 1984-85

Will You Be There?

NCTM Meeting Schedule


Candidate for Canadian Regional Representative on NCTM Board

Cross Number Puzzles with Signs

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