Newsletter,  Volume 3, Number 5

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor’s Chair

In 1984 MCATA recognized for the first time a person making an outstanding contribution to math­ematics education in the province of Alberta. The recipient of this award, as indicated in the last issue of the Newsletter, was Marshall Bye. This type of recognition is long overdue.

Each of you is likely aware of more than one educator, whether at the school, administrative or university level, who has made a significant contri­bution to mathematics education.

The MCATA executive is currently seeking names of people for this prestigious award for the current and future years. If you know someone who you think deserves this recognition, please submit his or her name with related pertinent information to Ron Cammaert, the president of MCATA.

In a similar vein, I wonder how long it is going to be before outstanding mathematics educators are going to be recognized for their contributions at senior government levels. A review of NCTM materials reveals that annually outstanding mathematics educators are recognized formally by the President of the United States.

We are also looking for the names of people who are willing to serve on the executive of MCATA for the up-coming year. If you know of capable and interested people please make vice-president Bob Michie aware of them. For those who are prepared to serve as a director, please let Bob know as well. The Board of Directors is appointed by the executive. We are always looking for people who are interested in serving as directors. These positions provide an excellent opportunity to serve and to become familiar with the operations of MCATA.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor’s Chair

Art Jorgensen


Marilyn N. Suydam

Attention: Math Teachers!

Problems in Verse

Problem Parade

Dale Seymour

Recommended Reading

How to Choose and Create Good Problems for Primary Children

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