Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 26, Issue 1

Delta-K Volume 26 Issue 1

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 26 Issue 1, October 1986


A new school year offers an opportunity for increased involvement in your
professional organization.

  • Plan to attend the NCTM Canadian Regional Conference. Bring a friend.
  • Plan to contribute to your journal. The themes of the next two issues are “Problem Solving in the Junior High School” and “Technology in Mathematics Education.” Anticipated publishing dates are February and May, respectively.
  • Plan to have your students submit solutions to the Student Problem Corner.
  • Plan to contribute, or encourage your colleagues to contribute, to the special publications your executive has authorized. A special issue, “Mathematics and Early Childhood Education,” is planned, as well as a monograph, “Make It and Take It.”
  • Plan to renew your membership in MCATA, and to encourage a colleague to become a member.


The focus of this issue is “Effective Teaching of Mathematics,” and there
are many factors contributing to this topic. Knowledge of mathematics and how mathematics ideas and concepts develop is a factor. Knowledge of how children learn mathematics – and use of that knowledge – is also a part of effective teaching. Is mathematics a set of rules, cases, and procedures, or is it a thought system that utilizes a particular structure? Research on the subject of teaching effectiveness abounds. Do effective teachers of mathematics incorporate into their lessons this research on teaching strategies and classroom management, as well as the results of research on teaching and thinking and the use o f technology? Effective teaching might also include student involvement, student accomplishments, and student use of mathematics.

The Minnesota Department of Education and Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics investigate what mathematics teachers may do to teach thinking skills, as well as mathematics. Sol Sigurdson examines learning theories and proposes a “constructivist” view toward learning principles and their implementation. Dr. Ediger examines the scope of the mathematics curriculum and, in particular, the role of the textbook. John Heuver makes a critical analysis of some of the texts used in Alberta. H. Skolrood and M.J. Maas show parallelism in the reading process in mathematics and social studies, and identify four reading situations. Professor Schrage and Dr. Jerry Becker identify three limitations in the use of microcomputers for teaching mathematics. Dr. Duncan and Dr. Litwiller examine a multiplication table, and interesting matrices are the result. s. Jervis, a Grade 12 student, discusses infinity. Craig Loewen illustrates the e ffective use of the overhead projector in teaching geometry. Jacqueline Fischer shares ideas on creative problem solving, and Oscar Schaaf provides a geometry lesson that is especially appropriate for teaching problem solving. Hank Boer is the contributor to the Student Problem Corner.

John B. Percevault


Front Matter



John B. Percevault

3 – 7

Higher Order Thinking Skills and Mathematics Education

Minnesota Department of Education and Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics

8 – 13

A Constructivist Approach to Teaching Mathematics

Sol E. Sigurdson

14 – 17

Scope in the Mathematics Curriculum

Dr. Marlow Ediger

18 – 22

Mathematics and the Alberta High School Curriculum

John G . Heuver

23 – 28

Curricular Implications of Microcomputers for School Mathematics

Georg Schrage and Jerry P . Becker

29 – 32

Enhancing Comprehension Through Reading Instruction

A . Harold Skolrood and Mary-Jo Maas

33 – 39

Rhombi Ratios on the Extended Multiplication Table and Hundred Square

David R . Duncan and Bonnie H . Litwiller

40 – 42


Sarah Jervis

43 – 46

Illustrating with the Overhead

A. Craig Loewen

47 – 49

Creative Problem Solving Activity

Jacqueline Fischer

50 – 52

A Problem Solving Geometry Lesson Using Groups of Four

Oscar Schaaf

53 – 54

The Big Steal

Hank Boer


College and University Responsibilities for Mathematics Teacher Education

Mathematical Association of America and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics


Geoffrey James Butler – 1944- 1986

Edited by John B. Percevault


Back Matter

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