Newsletter,  Volume 6, Number 4

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

As another school year draws to a close, it is time to reflect on the past and look ahead to the future.

The school year has been busy and exciting. The MCATA annual conference held last fall in Calgary was successful because of the .<efforts a’f many people. So successful, in fact, that the MCATA membership rose to over 700, the highest on ·record. The executive hopes that all the members have found their in­volvement to be rewarding and that they will renew their memberships.

Next fall’s conference is already being planned. To date, approximately 50 speakers have agreed to make presentations in over 80 sessions. The conference will be held at the Edmonton Inn from November 3 to 5, 1988. See you there!

Attached to this newsletter is a nomination form for Mathematics Educator of the Year. If you know of someone who deserves recognition, then please complete the form and send it to Bob Michie.

Remember, the speakers’ list is available from Dick Kopan. I am certain that you will find someone to present a workshop on mathematics education.

NCTM’ s “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics” is probably one of the most important documents relating to mathematics education. This document should chart the direction for mathematics education into the next century. Copies of the working draft are available from the NCTM, 1906 As­sociation Drive, Reston, Virginia, 22091 United States.

I wish you all the very best for the summer. May you return to school rested, full of enthusiasm and ready for the most important job of all: teaching our children.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

Behold! Your Age Revealed

Boyd Henry

Solving an Infinitely Nested Radical

Martin H. Badke

What’s New?

Suggested Readings


Computation: Sum Line-Up

Canada to Host 1992 Mathematics Congress

John C. Egsgard

1987-88 MCATA Executive

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