Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 27, Issue 3

Delta-K Volume 27 Issue 3

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 27 Issue 3, April 1989

I am very pleased that both AGATE and delta-k are devoting a regular issue to mathematics education for the gifted and talented and honored to have been approached to be the guest editor. I was glad to accept the challenge, despite my lack of experience in the editorial process, because I feel strongly about the need for such an issue.

I want to emphasize that this issue is of interest not only to those involved in mathematics education for the gifted and talented. Alberta’s mathematics curriculum is primarily content-oriented and mathematics teachers should find Doris Schattschneider’s article of great value. It is a masterful exposition on one example of very useful techniques which apply across the whole spectrum of mathematics.

The mathematics curriculum is also heavily utilitarian. Teachers of the gifted and talented will enjoy Kathy Jones’ article which highlights the aesthetic aspects of mathematics. Tony Gardiner’s article raises the important questions of the definition of the gifted and talented and of the role of the classroom teacher in their mathematics education. Such students should study Mogens Esrom Larsen’s article, a beautiful example of the inspiration and perspiration needed to tackle a difficult problem. Jan van de Craats’ article urges teachers not to overlook the social needs of exceptional students.

I am grateful to The Alberta Teachers’ Association for getting me involved in this special project, which I hope the rank and file will find worthwhile, and to my friends and colleagues for sharing their valuable experience and insight on a very important education issue of today.

Andy Liu

1 – 4

Front Matter


Guest Editor’s Comments

Andy Liu

6 – 11

Counting It Twice

Doris Schattschneider

12 – 23

The Psycho-Aesthetics of Combinatorial Sets

Kathy Jones

24 – 29

It All Depends What You Mean By…

Anthony Gardiner

30 – 36

There Are No Holes Inside a Diamond

Mogens Esrom Larsen

37 – 38

Some Thoughts on Mathematical Olympiads

Jan van de Craats

39 – 40

Appendix I: Supplementary Problems

Edited by Andy Liu

41 – 54

Appendix II: High School Mathematics Competitions in Alberta

Edited by Andy Liu

55 – 83

Appendix III: A Selected Bibliography on Popular Mathematics

Edited by Andy Liu

84 – 87

Appendix IV: A Selection of Resource Material

Edited by Andy Liu

88 – 105

Appendix V: Answers and Solutions

Edited by Andy Liu


Back Matter

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