Newsletter,  Volume 7, Number 4

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

The time has come again to ask for your involvement. Do you know of a fellow professional who would make an excellent candidate for the MCATA executive? If you do, please complete the enclosed nomination form and forward it to Bob Michie. I know that many excellent prospects are out there.

Although next November may seem to be a long way off, it is not too early to think about who the 1989 Mathematics Educator of the Year will be. This presti­gious award will be presented at the MCATA annual conference to be held in Leth­bridge from November 2 to 4, 1989. If you know someone, and I am sure you do, who has made a significant contribution to mathematics education in Alberta over the years, please complete and mail the enclosed nomination form. Your help in selecting this person will really be appreciated.

Included in this newsletter is the MCATA’s position paper on Alberta Educa­tion’s proposed Achievement Testing Program. This position paper was approved by the Provincial Executive Council and forwarded to the Department of Educa­tion. The Department indicated that it would take the recommendation under serious advisement. The MCATA executive feels that it is imperative that teach­ers take a serious stand on this issue since it can have a profound effect on teachers and students.

At its last meeting, the MCATA executive moved to change the copyright of the newsletter and journal. Currently, anyone wishing to make copies of any of the material has to ask the ATA for permission. The MCATA executive feels that educators should have the right, and in fact should be encouraged, to make cop­ies of the material to use with their students. Only by so doing can the mate­rial be of real practical value. Permission to copy the material will still be necessary if it is to be used for commercial or other noneducational uses.

A special thanks to you for being a member of the MCATA. Our membership is currently over 800, the highest it has ever been. During the past year, the
MCATA membership has increased while other councils’ memberships have declined. Please maintain your membership, and encourage a fellow teacher to join. If you know of anything that can be done to make your membership even more valuable, please do not hesitate to let a member of the executive know.

April is recognized as Mathematics Education Month. How about doing some — thing a bit extra special with your students during the month to prove that mathematics is the most exciting and challenging subject.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

NCTM Proclamation


Achievement Testing Program

Louise Frame


Arrange the following letters into mathematical terms

Publications and Products

Mark Your Calendar!

1989 MCATA Conference Update

Summer Courses

The University of Saskatchewan

The University of Calgary

The University of Alberta

Overseas and American Job Opportunities

Brain Teaser

Pizza Puzzles’ Solutions

Digit Shuffle

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