Newsletter,  Volume 10, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

The following article points to the importance of relating mathematics teaching to the real world of children. Many students do not understand one of the most basic concepts of the mathematics system –place value– because they have never been able to associate it with their world.

Curriculum developers, textbook authors and teachers must place more emphasis on practical hands-on activities before moving on to abstractions. This way, far more students would succeed in and enjoy mathematics.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

Understanding Place Value Concepts

Research Advisory Committee of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Upcoming Conferences

April is Mathematics Education Month



Jean Grignon

Adhesion A L’Apame (1991-1992)

Membership Application

Friends of Environmental Education Society of Alberta

Proclamation: Mathematics Education Month

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

From the President’s Pen

Bob Hart

Problem of the Day

Arrange seven coins in five straight rows with three coins in each row. The rows can go in any direction.

Update: The Environmental Education Newsletter

Fun with French

1991 MCATA Annual Conference

Cynthia Ballheim Receives Mathematics of the Year Award

Stanley Cichon

Attention Elementary Teachers!

The Grade 9 Achievement Test

Nola Aitken

Attention Mathematics 30 Teachers!

Bonjour! You Are Invited to ICME-7

ESL Publications and Resources

Publications Editors

Bea “Standards-bearer,” and Spread the News!

MCATA Executive 1991 /92

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