Newsletter,  Volume 12, Number 4

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

0 ne of the Blue Ribbon Panel’s recommendations was that mathematics teachers continually upgrade their knowledge of mathematics and pedagogy. Like everything else, mathematics education is changing rapidly, and teachers must keep abreast of these changes. However, teachers are unable to do this on their own. When teachers find that opportunities for improving skills do not exist, they become frustrated. Often, no suitable courses or workshops are available, and, when they are, time is not provided to take them.

Teachers should encourage school boards, the ATA and postsecondary institutions to work together to provide appropriate professional development activities in mathematics education.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

Professional Development Programs for Teachers of Mathematics


Problems from the 1992-93 AHSMC, Part II

From the President’s Pen

Wendy Richards

On the Lighter Side

Thomas J. Mills and Sir William Van Horns

MCATA Member Profile

Jean Crawford


NCTM Canadian Regional Conference

NCTM Annual Meeting

The Right Angle

News from Curriculum

Junior High Mathematics

Mathematics Leaders’ Symposium

Provincial Mathematics Initiatives

News from Student Evaluation

Diploma Examinations Program

Florence Glanfield


Daiyo Sawada

Professional Development

The University of Alberta

C^2PC Graphing Calculator Institute

The 7th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

Smart is when you believe only half of what you hear. Brilliant is when you know which half to believe.

—Orbens Current Comedy

A Graphing Calculator Problem

Scott McCauslin

What Is GEMS?

Alberta High School Mathematics Competition

Alvin Baragar

MCATA Executive 1993-94


1994 Project Development Initiatives


Math Patterns

More Great Resources from NCTM

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