Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 32, Issue 2

Delta-K Volume 32 Issue 2

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 32 Issue 2, March 1995

I dedicate this issue of the Journal to A. Craig Loewen and John Percevault, who for so many years have worked diligently in gathering and assembling articles and activities for delta-K. Through their hard work, they created a journal recognized far and wide by mathematics educators for its high quality.

This issue of delta-K contains a potpourri of articles, so I hope there will be something here to interest all readers.

To quote from Craig’s last editorial:

“We continue to seek articles for upcoming issues of delta-K. We are always interested in a variety of articles, but we are particularly interested in innovative teaching ideas to help make the learning of mathematics more interesting, meaningful and enjoyable. Please give some serious thought to what you could contribute to your colleagues across the province. Your ideas are needed and important!”

I would even appreciate a cartoon, a joke or a “thought for the day” to include. Submissions can be made to me at the address listed in the executive list on the back inside cover.

I express my personal appreciation to all contributors to this issue. Special thanks go to the Gifted and Talented Education Council for its position paper on the gifted and talented. I have often felt that gifted and talented students have not received the attention they deserve in the area of mathematics education. Certainly, the paper provides some food for thought.

Arthur Jorgensen

1 – 2

Front Matter



Arthur Jorgensen

4 – 7

Position Paper of the Gifted and Talented Education Council

The Gifted and Talented Education Council

8 – 10

Fractal Cards

Elaine Simmt

11 – 13

Celebrate Mathematics: Everybody’s Heritage and Everybody’s Future

Mary Montgomery Lindquist

14 – 26

Playing with c x (1 – x)

J. Dale Burnett

27 – 30

Mathematically Speaking: Communication in the Classroom

Marie Hauk

31 – 55

Classroom Activities

Compiled by Betty Morris


Back Matter

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