Newsletter,  Volume 13, Number 5

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

As another school year draws to a close, I wish each of you the best for a well-earned holiday. In many ways, it has been a trying year,· especially with all the uncertainty  brought about by budget cuts and reorganization. However, we have all faced challenges before and, as always, have met them head on. We might have been scarred and bruised but never conquered.

As we look forward to the 1995-96 school year, MCATA faces some challenges. We would really like our membership to reach one thousand. If each current member would encourage just one fellow professional to join, we would reach our goal.

Publication format will change for 1995-96. Instead of publishing a newsletter and a journal as we currently do, only one publication, de/ta-K, will be published• as a combined journal/newsletter. Tentatively, it will be published four times a year­December, March, May and August. As mentioned in previous issues, I am always looking for interesting things to include, be they pictures, problems, jokes or major papers. Submissions by members would be much appreciated.

Plan early to attend our annual conference to be held in Lethbridge September 28-30. The program committee has worked hard to put together an excellent program. There will be something for everyone involved in teaching students mathematics.

The keynote speaker was to have been Bob Thirsk, the next Canadian to fly on a space shuttle mission. Unfortunately, due to changes in his commitment to that project, he will be unable to come to Lethbridge. At this time, the program committee is looking for another keynote speaker, and you can be sure that they will find someone who will present a significant and interesting message. A surprise is always in order.

Congratulations to Don Hillacre, who teaches mathematics at Spruce Grove Composite High School. Don received a provincial award under the Hilroy Fellowship Program for his project “String Invision Conics Teaching Model”.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

From the President’s Pen

Wendy Richards

Have You Thought About Forming a Regional?

Wendy Antoniuk

The Right Angle

1996 Mathematics 33 Diploma Examinations



Proposed Format

Proposed Design

Core Content Emphasis

Question Format

Percy L. Greaves Jr.

Raising Young Voices: A Discussion Kit

Upcoming Conferences

1995 MCATA Conference

1996 MCATA Conference

Past Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conference

Marie Hauk

NCTM Conference 1995

Bob Hart

Fourth Mathematics Leaders Symposium

Donna Chanasyk

“Oh Six Five Four” (ode to the GST)

Mike Stone

NCSM Conference 1995

Betty Morris

Moses Sama accidentally put his licence plate upside down on his car. When he compared the upside down number to the right side up number, he found the upside down number to be 25911 larger than the right side up number. What was the right side up number?

Summer Courses

University of Alberta

Teaching the New Math 31

First-Term University Calculus for High School Students

Teaching Secondary School Mathematics

University of Calgary

Adventures in Problem Solving

C^2PC Institute

Calculus Workshop

CMASTE Workshops

100-Day Celebration

Betty Morris

When patterns are broken, new worlds can emerge.

Tuli Kupferberg

Upcoming Events

MCATA Executive 1994-95

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