Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 33, Issue 1

Delta-K Volume 33 Issue 1

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 33 Issue 1, December 1995

By the time you receive this issue of delta-K, you will be almost halfway through another school year, with all its challenges. The annual conference is already history; you will likely have distributed report cards for the first time; and you will be getting ready for the Christmas break and looking forward to 1996. It is hard to believe there are only four years left in this century.

The MCATA publications schedule is different this year. Instead of publishing a newsletter and a journal this fall, we are publishing only this issue of delta-K, which is a combination journal and newsletter. The proposed timeline for future issues of delta-K is February, April and July. Deadlines for receiving materials will be February 10 for the April issue and April 25 for the July issue.

Other publications available to members this school year are the historical document, Thirty-Four Years and Counting: A Hi story of the Mathematics Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association that provides an overview of MCATA from 1961 to 1995, and a monograph on statistics and probability being prepared by Florence Glanfield which should be available by late spring. Also, Andy Lui of the University of Alberta is the appointed editor for Math for Gifted Kids ll, a joint publication with the Gifted and Talented Education Council that is due out in spring 1996.

MCATA is looking for ways to best serve its members and is prepared to help with organizing mini conferences and regionals. It would be great to see some regionals established in this province. MCATA also supports mathematics contests.

Remember the 1996 annual conference will be held in Red Deer in early November. Plan to take an active part.

All the best for the festive season and 1996.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Joan Worth for her many hours of effort in assembling materials for the historical publication Thirty-Four Years and Counting. Without her dedication and hard work, it would never have happened.

Thanks also to all who responded to our request for articles outlining experiences and memories related to the Mathematics Council.

The publications staff at Barnett House deserve a special bouquet for their commitment to the project. Despite all their other assignments, they made every effort to ensure this historical document was one we could be proud of. Thanks, Kate Ballash, Penny Harter, Heather Parker, Lisa Pashniak, Yuet Chan (designer) and Lisa Maltby (ATA archivist).

I might add that I have always found these folks most helpful with all MCATA publications. Without their help, my assignment would be impossible.

Arthur Jorgensen

1 – 3

Front Matter



Arthur Jorgensen


From the President’s Pen

George Ditto


Norm Inglis Memorial

Bob Hart


1995 Outstanding Mathematics Educator Award: Florence Glanfield

Cindy Meagher

8 – 9

1995 Conference and Symposium Photos


Nouveautes en mathematiques


The Right Angle

Kay Melville


The Space Detective Agency: A Summer Program of Mathematics and Science

Elaine Simmt, Lynn Gordon Calvert nd Leo MacDonald


Canadian Forum for Education in Mathematics

Wendy Richards

14 – 15

Professional Dates, Resources and News


News from NCTM


Pointers for Parents

Jack Price


Linda’s Trisection

Linda Chiem


Calendar Math

Arthur Jorgensen


Mathematical Codes

Louise M. Lataille

21 – 27

Enhancing Mathematics Teaching in the Context of the Curriculum and Professional Standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Klaus Puhlmann

28 – 31

Math Hunt: Providing Children with Real-World Problem Solving Experiences

Connie K. Varnhagen, Fran Yeske, Zenia Nemish and Marcia Groves

32 – 34

Selected Anecdotes About Anecdotal Comments

Werner W. Liedtke

35 – 40

“Geopardy” Geometrique

Yvette d’Entremont

41 – 42

Exploring Products Through Counting Digits, Part 2: Factors with an Unequal Number of Digits

W. George Cathcart

43 – 45

String lnvision: Conics Teaching Model

Don Hillacre

46 – 52

Games in the Primary Mathematics Classroom

A. Craig Loewen


Coping with the Vortex of Change

Dan Jelinski and Jack Kelly


Back Matter

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