Newsletter,  Volume 15, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter

A Thought from Art


God bless everyone who has wisdom and common sense.
Wisdom is worth more than silver, it makes you richer than gold.
In her right hand
Wisdom holds a long life,
and in her left hand
are wealth and honor.
Wisdom makes life pleasant
and leads us safely along
Wisdom is a life giving tree,
the source of happiness
for all who hold on to her.

 Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

From the President’s Pen

George Ditto


Membership Report

Daryl Chichak

Math Projects for Science Fairs

Katherine Heinrich

Call for Presenters

Congratulations! Lou Yaniw

Art Jorgensen

A Great Idea!

NCTM Canadian Regional Update

Educational Research Grants

Math Leadership Institute

MCATA Executive 1996-97

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