Newsletter,  Volume 16, Number 4

Mathematics Council Newsletter

President’s Report

Presented at the Annual General Meeting Edmonton Inn, Edmonton, November 1,1997

It has been a pleasure to serve as president of Math Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association (MCATA) for the past two years. The annual conference in Red Deer in November 1996, the Resource Fair in Calgary in May 1997, and the publications of delta-Kand the MCATA newsletters were the main services and activities to our membership which currently stands at 570. MCATA continues to financially support three mathematics contests-junior high contests in Edmonton and Calgary, and the Alberta High School Mathematics Contest; teacher inservice projects; and teaching and learning materials.

The executive met three times during the year. We established and worked on goals that we felt were imperative for the successful operation of the Council throughout the year. A revised constitution was approved by the general membership and ratified by the Table Officers of the ATA. The MCATA executive feels that the revised constitution better reflects the realities of this Council now and in the future.

Challenges faced by the executive have been interesting, informative and enjoyable. We continually find opportunities tO address and provide input into issues that directly affect mathematics learning and learners in the province. These have included input into a calculator policy with Alberta Education, observer status at the Annual Representatives Assembly, mini­conferences, input into the Western Canadian Protocol for Mathematics, “Safe and Caring Schools Conference” participation, “Math Talk About” sessions for our members, revision to the Alberta Mathematics Educator Awards and Friends of MCATA certificate formats, new membership initiatives, continued development of the MCATA Home Page on the Web, and curriculum in­servicing and professional development of our colleagues.

The opportunity to work with this dedicated group of professionals has been personally rewarding. A number of people have been influential t0 the success of the Council over the past year. My personal thanks t0 Dave Jeary, ATA staff advisor, who has provided needed direction and guidance when requested. Donna Chanasyk, MCATA secretary, and Doug Wesibeck, MCATA treasurer, continue to be t0tally committed to the positions that offer very little in profile but are necessary to the smooth functioning of the Council.

Directors responsible for assignments from professional development to public relations and publications, Cynthia Ballheim, Linda Brost, Daryl Chichak, Cindy Meagher, Betty Morris, Sandra Unrau, Graham Keogh and Richard Kopan, have unselfishly given their time and talents to support the efforts of the executive. The publication editors, Art Jorgensen and Klaus Puhlmann, have provided expert publications for our membership.

Conference Chair Marge Marika directed the successful “Doing Mathematics” conference, demonstrating her ongoing dedication to the professional development of our colleagues. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Calgary Regional Conference has already confirmed a number of speakers and activities for the 1998 conference. Additional representatives and advisors, Dale Burnett, Mike Stone, Kay Melville and Carol Henderson (PEC Liaison), have each contributed valuable input and guidance in our work over the past year.

Congratulations to Richard Kopan, a MCATA vice president for the past rwo years, who was elected as director with the NCTM.

Members of your MCATA executive attended a number of different conferences during the year. I was honored tO represent MCATA at the NCTM Annual Conference and Delegate Assembly in Minneapolis in April. Florence Glanfield successfully completed her term as chair of the Regional Services Committee of the NCTM. Cynthia Ballheim and Betty Morris were heavily involved in the planning and running of the Math Symposium in Calgary in May. Cynthia and Sandra Unrau attended the NCTM Canadian Leadership Conference in Moncton in July. Marge Marika attended the ATA Summer Conference in Banff in August. Thanks to all the executive members who gave up their valuable holiday time to attend these conferences. In closing, I wish to thank all MCATA members and the executive. We can all be very proud of what has been accomplished.

George Ditto

Greetings from Art

Art Jorgensen

President’s Report

George Ditto

MathCounts – Would You Like to Be Involved?

Florence Glanfield

Math/Science Symposium

Sandra Unrau

New High School Math Program

Alberta Education News

High School Math News

Daryl Chichak

Canadian Regional MCATA/NCTM Conference

“Mathematics Education: Living the Challenge”

Upcoming Conferences

Have I Earned My Apple Yet?

Brenda Healing

Stats Can Initiative

lanna MacDougall

Virtual Resource Centre

Julie Peschke

Membership Director’s Report

Daryl Cbichak

Competition Winners

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