Newsletter,  Volume 16, Number 6

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate our teachers who are teaching students mathematics  and science who are doing a super
job according to a report in the Edmonton journal in February. A recent
world-wide study has shown that Alberta’s Grade 12 students are
among the world’s strongest in science and above average in mathematics. Students in Grades 4 and 8 are achieving outstanding results in mathematics.

We must not forget the teachers who teach mathematics in other grades. They, too must be doing a superior job to prepare students for the teachers who receive them in Grades 4, 8 and 12.

Despite large classes and decreased budgets, Alberta teachers have proven that they can get the job done. They can be justly proud.

I hope our government and the general public are prepared to recognize and reward this superior performance …

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

ARA Resolutions: MCATA and ECEC

Florence Glanfield

Promoting Mathematical Literacy

Florence Glanfield

Mathematics Education Month: April

Cynthia Ballheim

Grant Applications

NCTM Regional Services Committee

Canadian Regional Conferences

The Samuel Conrad Method

Kenneth May and Dennis Connolley

The Show-Me Project

Barbara Reys


Elaine Simmt

Get Ready For a Monumental Event—WLME 4

JRME Is Online Free During Special Introduction

Join In Mathematics Education Dialogues

Pathfinder Conference

MCATA 1999 Conference

“Connecting with Alberta’s K-Grade 9 Mathematics Curriculum”

Teachers of Mathematics In the Edmonton Region

Donna Chanasyk

Interesting Course Offered

Mini-Conference: Calgary Area Elementary Math/Science Symposium

Sandra Unrau

Jasper Elementary School

Kids’ Mega Math Convention

Kids’ Mega Math Convention

K. Byers

MCATA Executive 1997-98

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