Newsletter,  Volume 17, Number 1

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

I enjoyed reading NCTM president Glenda Lappan’s message in the NCTM News Bulletin, volume 35, where she outlines the need for excellent teaching materials in the area of mathematics.However,in summary, she states that materials alone cannot make a mathematics program. The real key to success is the teachers’ willingness to increase the effectiveness of the material by spending a significant amount of time planning the lessons, listening carefully to what students are saying, analyzing what they are learning, and then adjusting the mathematical tasks and the questions asked. In other words, well-trained and committed teachers, along with excellent materials can be a real boost to students’ learning.

I hope that teachers are finding the new materials being made available to be of excellent quality, and that they themselves are committed to helping every student reach a high level of excellence in mathematics as they begin another exciting and challenging year. I am sure they are!

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

From the President’s Pen

Cynthia Ballheim

Math Leadership Symposium

Betty Morris

Welcome New Director

Lorraine Taylor

Fame and Fortune Are Yours


Daryl M. J. Chichak


NCTM Annual Conference

George Ditto

“Mathematics in Harmony with the New Millennium”

Elaine Manzer

ATA Invitational Symposium

Florence Glanfield

NCTM Leadership Conference

Lorraine Taylor

1998 NCTM Annual Conference

Florence Glanfield

May You Always Be So Lucky


1998 IPO

Florence Glanfield

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