Newsletter,  Volume 18, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

You have recently received a form asking for nominations for MCA TA table officer positions. Consider this request seriously. It would be a nice change to have an election; it puts the current executive in a very awkward position, always having to appoint people to these positions.

There are many among you who would make excellent table officers. Please nominate them. Being on the executive is an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with influential people in the area of mathematics in the province, and keeps you abreast of what is going on in the field of mathematics. It is a great experience.

We are frequently looking for people to serve as directors. Being a director is an excellent introduction to the workings of MCA TA. If you are interested in serving as a director, let a member of the executive know.

We really do need your help.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

Volunteers Needed

Donna Chanasyk

Year 2000: World Mathematical Year

Let’s Celebrate!

From the President’s Pen

Cynthia Ballheim

Special Notes

Donna Chansyk

Important Dates/ Conferences

George Ditto

Jasper Conference Review

Be a Winner in the Year 2000

Lorraine Taylor

Membership Director’s Report

Daryl M. J. Chichak


Cynthia Ballheim

The ATA Educational Trust

NCTM 78th Annual Meeting

“Mathematics: Everyone’s Future”

Graham Keogh

Thoughts for the Day

Thomas Szasz

Gail Work

General George Patton

Logo Contest

MCATA Executive 1999-2000

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