Newsletter,  Volume 18, Number 5

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things­ so pardon me if I do a little rambling.

After serving as MCATA’s newsletter editor for nearly 20 years and after being involved with MCATA in various other capacities for several years-for a total of more than 30 years on the executive-I believe that it is time to retire and let someone with vigor and fresh ideas take over.

One thing that will have to be seriously considered is the future viability of a printed newsletter. Would having the information on our council’s website be adequate? Please let the MCATA executive know your feelings and opinions on this matter.

Once again, the Council seeks nominations for the Outstanding Mathematics Educator of the Year Award. If you know someone who has made a significant contribution to education in Alberta, please nominate that outstanding teacher. A nomination form accompanies this issue of the newsletter.

My years with MCATA have provided many, many fond memories. Through my involvement I have developed many lifelong friendships, and I have had many great experiences which I shall forever cherish.

I encourage each of you to become involved, whether it be to serve on the executive; organize, assist or present at a conference; or submit an article, an interesting question, a challenging lesson or even a good joke to our publications or website. Your contribution is necessary and will be appreciated.

Bon voyage.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

NCTM Report

Graham Keogh

From the President’s Pen

Cynthia Ballheim

A Place Called High School

Donna Chanasyk

The Power of Optimism

Terry Paulson

Membership Report

Daryl M. J. Chichak

Math Competition

Diana Davidiuk

MCATA Annual Conference

“Mathematics Through the Millennium”

Elaine Manner

MCATA Executive 2000-2001

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