Delta-K,  From Your Council,  Volume 38, Issue 1

MCATA Executive in Action

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 38 Issue 1, December 2000

7 – 12

MCATA Executive in Action

Klaus Puhlmann

The pictures below depict your MCATA executive members during their meeting September 8-9. Executive members are primarily classroom teachers but also include representatives from Alberta Learning, the Faculty of Education, the Department of Mathematics, the ATA staff, the Provincial Executive Council and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Canadian director). Executive meetings are always held Friday evening and all-day Saturday. Often, subcommittees continue until late Saturday evening following the executive meeting. Addressing the many pertinent issues surrounding the teaching and learning of mathematics is always the main focus of business. As a long-term goal the executive continues its strong focus on our mission, “Providing leadership to encourage the continuing enhancement of teaching, learning and understanding mathematics.”