Newsletter,  Volume 20, Number 1

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor’s Pencil

Being the editor of a newsletter is going to be an interesting and rewarding experience. I am looking forward to an exciting year in this role and hope that you will feel free to submit interesting bits–reviews of books you may have read, commentary on practice that you have found inspiring, informative or entertaining websites, or anything that you think might be of interest to our readership.

A big thank you goes to all of you who have contributed to this issue. I know how busy you all are and I appreciate your efforts.

As Sandra Unrau said in the President’s Message, I have been working hard to get a great newsletter out, but “the proof of the pudding is in the eating.” I hope that this pudding is tasty.

Anne MacQuarrie

President’s Message

Sandra Unrau

From the Editor’s Laptop

Anne MacQuarrie

Think About This!

Teachers of Mathematics in the Edmonton Region (TERM)

Donna Chanasyk

MCATA Grants

Mathematics Around the World

Book Reviews

Executive Meeting Highlight

Deanna Shostak

Read Books? Do Your Students Read Books?


Results of the Pure Math 30 Project

25th Calgary Junior High School Mathematics Contest

Alberta Learning Update

Learner Assessment Branch


Learning Technologies Branch

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