Delta-K,  NCTM,  Volume 41, Issue 1

NCTM Standards in Action The Content Standard: Data Analysis and Probability

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 41 Issue 1, February 2004

22 – 24

NCTM Standards in Action The Content Standard: Data Analysis and Probability

Klaus Puhlmann

The question, “What mathematical content and processes should students know, understand and be able to use in the K-12 curriculum?” is an ongoing preoccupation with curriculum developers. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematic ‘s Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM 2000) strongly recommends IO content standards for the K-12 school mathematics curriculum, one of which is data analysis and probability. Thus, data analysis and probability as a content strand is included at every level, albeit with varying degrees of depth and breadth. It is well articulated across the grades, thus ensuring the accumulation of important ideas and building successively deeper and more refined understanding.