Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 44, Issue 2

Delta-K Volume 44 Issue 2

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 44 Issue 2, June 2007

As the school year draws to a close, I am looking forward to some deserved relaxation. However, I know that many of us use the summer break as an opportunity to reflect on our teaching practice and to search for new ideas for engaging students in mathematical inquiry. This issue presents such opportunities.

Our annual convention of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (MCATA) in October was very successful. rm continually impressed by our teachers’ level of commitment to professional development in mathematics education. The photographs. Martina’s report and this invitation to the next conference remind us that these events are important professional and social occasions. Please consider joining us for the 2007 MCATA convention, “Mathematical Tapestries: Weaving the Connections.” at the Fantasyland Hotel in Edmonton, October 18 to 20, 2007.

I am thankful to the authors and reviewers who work di Ii gently to provide us with thought-provoking ideas and suggestions for teaching. I encourage those of you who have created learning opportunities for your students to share these ideas with the community. Lesson plans. teaching ideas, and research papers related to teaching arc all welcome. The summer presents an opportunity for you to write an article for de!ta-K. Please contact me if you want more information or help with this process.

In past issues I have invited your responses to articles in delta-K, but they have not been forthcoming. This publication offers an excellent opportunity for you to respond to ideas being presented here. If you have experimented with a teaching idea or have reflected on the content of an article, please write an editorial or reader’s response and forward this to me for inclusion in the next issue. Also. if you are encountering challenges or joys in the planning or implementation of the new curriculum, please share them. Your responses can provoke additional thought and can initiate a professional conversation in our community.

Gladys Sterenberg


Front Matter



Gladys Sterenberg


From the President’s Pen

Janis Kristjansson

4 – 9

MCATA Conference 2006

Martina Metz


The Right Angle: Report from Alberta Education

Jennifer Dolecki

11 – 19

The Teacher/Researcher and Proving in High School Mathematics

Shannon Sookochoff, Elaine Simmt and David Reid

20 – 22

Looking at the Algorithm of Division of Fractions Differently: A Mathematics Educator Reflects on a Student’s Insightful Procedure

Jerome Proulx

23 – 24

Binomial Probabilities on a Multiple Choice Test

Bonnie H Litwiller and David R Duncan

25 – 28

Solving First Order Linear Differential Equations by Using Variation of Parameters

David E Dobbs

29 – 30

A Refined Algorithm for Solving Polynomial Equations

Duncan E McDougall and Ryan Willoughby

31 – 33

A Shape Quest Through Story

Chantel Mulder and Gladys Sterenberg

34 – 42

Diophantine Polynomials

Duncan E McDougall


A Page of Problems

A Craig Loewen


Back Matter

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