Newsletter,  Volume 27, Number 1

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor’s Pencil

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to a new year. Each new school year, whether you are a veteran or a novice, brings both wonder and apprehension. Each year is different than the last; there are new responsibilities and challenges, new successes and achievements.

Those of you who have been MCATA members in the past will notice that I am new to the job of newsletter editor, so I would like to introduce myself. My name is Tancy Lazar and I currently teach Grade 2 at a wonderful school with the Calgary Board of Education. I am excited to be adding this endeavour to my list of new challenges and look forward to helping all of you, whether past or new members, get more information about what is new and exciting in the world of mathematics and the council. Until next time, I wish you all an exciting start to a brand-new year!

Tancy Lazar

President’s Message

Sharon Gach

From the Editor’s Laptop

Tancy Lazar

MCATA Executive Meetings

Conference 2008

“Exploring New Depths, Reaching New Heights”

Elaine Simmt, Conference Chair

MCATA 2008 Spring Symposium

Florence Glanfield

Teachers of Mathematics in the Edmonton Region (TERM)

MCATA Grants

Alberta Education Update

Mathematics Summer Institute

Kindergarten–Grade 9

Grades 10–12 Mathematics

Learner Assessment

Mathematics Contest Winners

Edmonton Junior High Mathematics Contest

Alberta High School Mathematics Competition—Part 1

Alberta High School Mathematics Competition—Part 2

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