Delta-K,  From Your Council,  Volume 46, Issue 1

From the President’s Pen

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 46 Issue 1, December 2008


From the President’s Pen

Sharon Gach

We are almost halfway through another school year. For many of us, this has been an exciting year as we try to wrap our minds around the new curriculum. With the mandatory implementation of a new program of studies for kindergarten and Grades 1, 4 and 7, and the optional implementation of Grades 2, 5 and 8, mathematics teachers across the province have been very busy. There are many chances to confer with colleagues and many professional development opportunities. The new curriculum ties into many of the current AISI projects. Whether your district is focusing on differentiation, inquiry, assessment, character education or other priorities, you should be able to see some correlation to the new curriculum.