Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 47, Issue 1

Delta-K Volume 47 Issue 1

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 47 Issue 1, December 2009

This issue of delta-K brings ideas that I believe will both inspire and motivate you in creating learning opportunities for your students. Many of the current professional initiatives in this province direct our attention to the importance of real learning. The authors of the articles included here demonstrate some ways this can be done.

As we contemplate real learning in mathematics, one consideration might be a re-visioning of mathematics classrooms. Carrie Watt presents some reflections on her vision of a global village and how mathematics can become real through learning in context. Solving problems is paramount in her vision.

A problem-solving focus is not new. However, Jennifer Holm describes various perceptions of problem solving to help us thoughtfully consider how we incorporate it into our classrooms. Elaine Simmt reflects on her own journey of problem solving with a task offered to her students. She prompts each of us to consider our mathematical development as learners.

One of the ways of encouraging real learning involves the use of integrating stories and mathematics. In this issue, Benet Copeland investigates coordinate graphing through his story. Karen Cleveland shares her integration of problem solving and literature, an example of how teaching mathematics can be creative and authentic.

As we continue to work hard in our classrooms, I hope you find inspiration in the words of these authors. As always, we depend on the sharing of teaching ideas. If you have an innovative lesson idea or if you are excited by your students’ responses to a mathematical task, please consider sharing these experiences with our readership. I hope you enjoy reading the articles in this issue.

Gladys Sterenberg


Front Matter


From the Editor’s Pencil

Gladys Sterenberg 

3 – 4

The Right Angle: Report from Alberta Education

Jennifer Dolecki

5 – 8

Mathematics Education for a Global Village

Carrie Watt

9 – 15

Perceptions of Problem Solving in Elementary Curriculum

Jennifer Holm

16 – 20

What I Learned from My Student’s Thinking

Elaine Simmt

21 – 25

Bob and His Incredibly Amazing Graph Adventures

Benet Copeland

26 – 39

A Mathematical Adventure with the Number Devil

Karen J Cleveland

40 – 70

Alberta Mathematics Competitions

71 – 72

Literature-Based Teaching Prompting New Mathematical Experiences

Gladys Sterenberg


Back Matter

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