Newsletter,  Volume 31, Number 2

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor’s Laptop

The 2013 MCATA conference’s theme is “Math Is …???” According to Mr Webster, math (or mathematics, anyway) is the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions, and of space configuration and their structure, measurement, transformations and generalizations. Wow—a mouthful, and really quite uninspiring. According to my students, math is everything from “ever present (much to my dismay),” “Fun, but only when I get it” to “fantastically ordered.”

Math is excitement. To me math is remembering a student’s math eureka! moment. Math is driving down the road with a math colleague and calculating that other colleagues would have to be doing 180km/h if they actually are where they say they are. Math is my brother’s joke, “What did the zero say to the eight? Nice belt!” Yes, there are lots of numbers and letters in math, but math is so much more! Let us continue in 2013 with the goal of convincing every one of our students that math is fun (or at least not stupid).

And if you have any great “Math is …” blank fillers, consider becoming a speaker for our next conference.

Keep up the energy as we again approach the end of a school year!

Karen Bouwman

President’s Message

Marj Farris

From the Editor’s Laptop

Karen Bouwman

Alberta Education

The Mathematical Processes—Technology

Provincial Assessment Working Groups

French Resources

More Mathematics Information

MCATA Table Officer Election Results

Daryl M J Chichak

Nominate a Fellow Math Educator

Proposals for Fall Conference: Math Is …???

Message from the President of the ATA

Carol Henderson

Save the Dates

Fall Symposium

MCATA Fall Conference

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