Newsletter,  Volume 32, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor’s Laptop

This spring seems to have provided so much inspiration—this newsletter is full of all sorts of interesting tidbits. From our president, we have information on our sister organizations in the United States; from Alberta Education, an update that will be very useful in discussions with parents who are supporting the “back-to-the-basics” movement; and, again, requests for you to submit names of wonderful professionals in our field, including those just beginning (see Math Educator and Art Jorgenson awards).

And take a look at our new column, “C^3,” the three Cs being “Current Commentaries by Council.” At our executive meetings we often have interesting discussions on current issues in mathematics, but often do not have the opportunity to share our thoughts with the broader community. Because an important part of growing as a teacher is to stay up to date with current issues in our fields, we hope that this column will be a quick way to help with this. We hope you all enjoy it.

Have a great spring and summer!

Karen Bouwman

President’s Message

Marj Farris

From the Editor’s Laptop

Karen Bouwman

Looking for the Next Art Jorgenson Award Recipient

Nominate a Fellow Math Educator

MCATA Fall Conference

“A Bridge to the Future”

MCATA Table Officer Election Results

Daryl M J Chichak

C^3 – Current Commentaries by Council

David Martin

PEC Report

Carol Henderson

Alberta Education Message

Journal Editor

Position of Journal Editor of delta-K

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