Newsletter,  Volume 36 Number 1

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From The Editor’s Laptop

This is my first issue as editor of the Mathematics Council Newsletter. Serving as editor is such an honour, and I have big shoes to fill. Karen Bouwman, thank you for all your hard work!

My summer was filled with readings and reflections while I was taking graduate leadership courses with the University of Calgary. Inspired by all sorts of learning theories, I can’t help but reflect on our math teaching and learning. Math is such a beautiful and creative subject, and teachers are no longer spoon-feeders. Every child has the ability to excel in math in an authentic, collaborative, interactive, personalized and cooperative learning environment. In such an environment, he or she is supported by the teacher’s tailored feedback, which is focused on the development of students’ math reasoning skills and personal growth instead of on merely correct answers or learning outcomes. A classroom that is truly focused on deep understanding and building math knowledge with connections to our world instead of on speed or test scores is fundamental. Technology is changing how we learn and how we act; one challenge is how we can personalize technology to the point that it will have an impact on personalized math learning. Math education is becoming more and more challenging—but exciting! Our education world has never been this alive and robust.

Welcome back! Happy math teaching and learning!

Stacey Wu


President’s Message

Alicia Burdess

April 2017 Executive Meeting Summary

2018 Fall Conference

From the Editor’s Laptop

Stacey Wu

From the Editor’s Laptop

MCATA Grants

Director at Large

Darin Trufyn

PEC Liaison

Katherine Pritchard

Upcoming TERM Meetings

2017 MCATA Elections

Fall Conference: “2017: A Prime Year for Mathematics”

Michael Pruner and Sunil Singh

Fall 2017 Symposium

Employment Opportunity

Events Registrar/Administrator

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