Newsletter,  Volume 39, Number 1

Alberta Education Update

The new ministerial order on student learning (Ministerial Order No 028/2020) sets a new vision to guide student learning, update curriculum and strengthen Alberta’s education system. In addition to setting the vision, the ministerial order emphasizes the core knowledge, civic virtues and outcomes that students need in order to succeed in school and throughout life. The ministerial order is available at ministerial-order-on-student-learning.aspx.

Now that the new ministerial order is in place, the 2018 draft kindergarten to Grade 4 curriculum will be reviewed, and future curriculum will be drafted for the next grades. All draft curricula will be aligned with the new vision.

Because of delays resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the timelines for piloting the new draft curriculum have been adjusted. The first classroom validation will be expanded from kindergarten to Grade 4 to include Grades 5 and 6. Participating schools will start piloting this curriculum in classrooms in September 2021. During the classroom validation process, the draft K–6 curriculum will be made available at Parents, teachers, education partners and other interested Albertans will be able to provide feedback throughout this process.

Marcel Ouellette
Alberta Education Representative