
Nominations for Table Officers are open

Ensure an active executive council by nominating teachers who will take an active role in making the Mathematics Council benefit all mathematics teachers.

Nominations for the following offices for the 2025 / 2026 year are now being accepted.

  • Vice-President (Professional Development)
  • Treasurer

To nominate a candidate, complete the form, and mail it to:
Lisa Everritt, c/o MCATA ATA Staff Officer
11010 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5N 2R1

Nomination deadline is May 15, 2025.

If an election is necessary, it will be conducted at the AGM. A newsletter outlining the platform of each candidate will be sent out to all members before the AGM. If a candidate wishes to include their platform in the newsletter, it should be sent to Lisa Everitt, c/o MCATA ATA Staff Officer
11010 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5N 2R1. Platforms should be a maximum of 500 words in length and shall be submitted by the nomination deadline.

The successful candidates will be notified during the AGM and the results posted on the MCATA website and printed in the next available newsletter.

Nomination form for MCATA Table Officers

Nominators and Nominee must be current MCATA members.

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