Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 42, Issue 2

Delta-K Volume 42 Issue 2

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 43 Issue 2, June 2005

Conversations that began at the 2004 Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (MCATA) conference continue with this issue. Coeditor Craig Loewen collected and assembled a photographic essay that reminds us of our commitment to professional and personal growth within a community of teachers and other educators. Because the summer months can afford us time to reflect on recent developments in mathematics education, I have included several lengthy articles that offer more in-depth investigations of topics presented at the conference.

I thank all those who have contributed to this issue. Your thoughtfulness when writing and your willingness to stimulate thinking and extend our understandings of new ideas in teaching mathematics are appreciated.

Coediting this issue of delta-K has been a challenging and satisfying experience for me. I am very grateful for the mentorship provided by Craig Loewen, the encouragement from Len Bonifacio and other members of the MCATA executive, and the direction provided by Karen Virag, ATA publications supervisor. Many people have provided much encouragement and support as I begin this new endeavor. This has been invaluable as I attempt to continue the tradition of providing high-quality articles pertaining to the professional development of mathematics educators.

On behalf of the MCATA executive, Craig and I are pleased to announce that, as of August 2005, delta-K will become a refereed journal. A refereed review process gives a voice to teachers as authorities in the mathematical educators’ communities. It is our belief and hope that by establishing delta-Kasa refereed journal, teachers will participate as authors and reviewers and will engage in ongoing professional conversations about mathematics instruction. We also hope that this process will help build an important mechanism for sharing the many marvelous activities, developments, resources and achievements that are evident across this province.

I invite you to consider making a contribution to delta-K. This could be in the form of articles, classroom activities, letters and problems. It is your active participation and your willingness to share your ideas and teaching strategies that makes this journal a relevant and useful resource for mathematics educators.

Gladys Sterenberg

1 – 2

Front Matter



Gladys Sterenberg


From the President’s Pen

Len Bonifacio

5 – 9

MCATA Annual Conference 2004

Sandra Unrau


Times Have Changed

Frank Jenkins

10 – 19

Emergent Insights into Mathematical Intelligence from Cognitive Science

Brent Davis

20 – 29

Embodied Mathematics and Education

Elizabeth M. Mowat

30 – 33

Developing Algorithms for Fluency and Understanding: A Historical Perspective

Gladys Sterenberg

34 – 36

Pi in All Its Glory

Sandra M. Pulver

37 – 41

Explorations with Simulated Dice: Probability and the Tl-83+

A. Craig Loewen

42 – 46

Mathematical Stories for the Junior High Classroom: An Annotated Bibliography

Gladys Sterenberg


A Page of Problems

A. Craig Loewen


Back Matter

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