Delta-K,  Teaching Ideas,  Volume 41, Issue 1

Student Projects in the Educational Process

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 41 Issue 1, February 2004

51- 52

Student Projects in the Educational Process

Natali Hritonenko

Learning and teaching are links of the same chain. They represent an interactive, constructive and continuous process. Many modelling resources and tools are available in teaching and used in curriculum from introductory to advanced courses and across disciplines. Learners are unique. They have, among a number of things, different skills, experience, background and attitudes. Hence, whatever works well for one group may not work for another. Therefore, different strategies should be used in teaching that are aimed at encouraging students and making their learning informative, effective, and at the same time, pleasant, enjoyable and relaxing. The best learning happens when all accessible teaching tools are properly used.