Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 34, Issue 2

Delta-K Volume 34 Issue 2

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 34 Issue 2, September 1997

The 1996-97 school year will be over when you receive this issue of delta-K. I hope you are having an enjoyable and restful summer, preparing you for yet another school year in the fall. I hope you will find some time to reflect on your work and your teaching of mathematics and that, from this reflection, some contributions for the next issue of delta-K will flow.

As always, we are interested in receiving articles, teaching ideas, student submissions or anything else that might be of interest to our delta-K readers. W hile we appreciate submissions from all readers, we want to encourage Alberta educators, in particular, to share their work with us. I know that many good things are happening in the mathematics classrooms of our province. They must not go unnoticed because someone is waiting to use them in his or her teaching.

The introduction of the Western Canadian Protocol in mathematics and
its implementation presents a significant challenge to us all. The successful implementation of this curriculum will, to a large measure, depend on our ability and willingness to share our good ideas and successes with one another. I hope that delta-K can serve as an effective vehicle to facilitate that sharing.

Klaus Puhlmann

1 – 3

Front Matter



Klaus Puhlmann


From the President’s Pen

George Ditto


The Right Angle

Kay Melville


Comments on “Calendar Math”

Wytze Brouwer & John Percevault


British Math Fails to Add Up

Nicholas Pyke

9 – 10

Why We Lag Behind in Math

David Burghes


From Smilla’s Sense of Snow

Peter Hoeg



Helena Fung, Stephen Samogyi, Brendan Halloran, and Ajit Paul Singh

13 – 14

NCTM Standards in Action

Klaus Puhlmann

15 – 22

Assessing Mathematics Learning for Students with Learning Differences

Lee Cross and Michael C. Hynes

23 – 28

Assessing Mathematical Processes: The English Experience

Malcolm Swan

29 – 33

The Demands of Alternative Assessment: What Teachers Say

Thomas J. Cooney, Karen Bell, Diane Fisher-Cauble and Wendy B. Sanchez


Une sortie mathematique!

Helene Gendron

35 – 36

Is This a Math Class or an Art Class?

Harold Torrance

37 – 38

Word Problems a Problem? WHAC ‘Em

Harold Torrance


The X and Y Files

Kelly Paul

40 – 41

Two Facets of the Linear Regression Process

David R. Duncan and Bonnie H. Litwiller

42 – 48

How Much Zooming Is Enough?

David E. Dobbs and John C. Peterson

49 – 53

Analysis of Teaching Trigonometry in the Context of University Mathematics

Natali Hritonenko

54 – 56

Diophantine Analysis and Linear Indeterminate Problems

Sandra M. Pulver

57 – 59

Students Creating Stories in Math Classes

Florence Glanfield

60 – 63

The Alberta Advisory Committee for Educational Studies (AACES)

Olive Chapman & A. Craig Loewen

64 – 67

Improving Mathematics Achievement by Effectively Integrating Technology

Barbara Morrison


Back Matter

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