Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 20, Issue 1

Delta-K Volume 20 Issue 1

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 20 Issue 1, September 1980


Future meetings of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics:

“Name-of-Site” – Regina, Sask., October 23-25, 1980
59th Annual Meeting – St. Louis, Mo. , April 22-25, 1981
60th Annual Meeting – Toronto, Ont., April 14-17, 1982

For other meetings, see the listings in The Arithmetic Teacher or The Mathematics Teacher. Some of these meetings may be convenient to a few of you, while the above should interest many more by reason of location or nature of meeting.

We wish to acknowledge many years of good and faithful service on the part of Don Hinde, who is retiring as Math Council treasurer. Thanks for all your hard work: Don, and good luck in future endeavors.

I would also like to thank all of you for your part in making delta-k a newsletter/journal which has partially met the needs of MCATA members as a regular item of communication. Thank you for your articles, items of information, activities and ideas.

At the time of writing this editorial, the Council lacks a
vice-president, treasurer, new editor, three directors and a mathematics representative. Perhaps some members who are not now too active in professional activities would let the executive know if they are willing to use their talent to he.lp MCATA continue to serve mathematics teachers throughout Alberta.

Our annual meeting this year is a little later than usual,
and will be held on November 7 and 8 at the Capri Hotel in Red Deer. Tell us if this is a better time for you when you see us in Red Deer. Further information is included in school mailings and in The ATA News, along with registration forms.

Ed Carriger

1 – 2

Front Matter


From the Editor’s Desk

Ed Carriger

4 – 6

An Alternative Course for the “I Hate Math and I’ve Never Been Any Good At It” Student

Elaine V. Alton and Judith L. Gersting

7 – 8

Introducing Calculus to High School Students

Ved P. Madan


Six New Publications from ERIC


10 – 13

Calculator Information Center


14 – 16

The Mathematics Curriculum and the Learner

Marlow Ediger

17 – 19

Mira Math for Grades 7 – 12

Reprinted from The Math Post

20 – 21

Plus +++

22 – 23


Terry Witczak

24 – 26


Terry Witczak


Back Matter

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